Donating to St Margaret's church
I just want to give a one-off donation.
Thank you, this is greatly appreciated. Please click on the donate button below or use our page at to donate a fixed sum very quickly.
I would like to give regularly.
You can give each week in church, but not everyone is in church each week.
A new scheme has been created nationally to enable
people to give regularly. It is called ‘The Parish Giving Scheme’.
You say how much you want to give and all the administration is taken care of for you. It means the church can budget responsibly. Please go to the Parish Giving Scheme website for more information, and to set up a regular donation call the Parish Giving Scheme on 0333 002 1271 and quote our Parish Reference number of 110611127.
If you need any additional help to donate to the church or to find out more, please contact the church office. Our charity number is 1130693.
St Margaret's is funded overwhelmingly by the generous giving of members and visitors of the church. We receive no money from the government or local council.
How on earth can a hundred or so people pay for the cost of a vicar, a vicarage, and a medieval building by giving a few pounds in the collection each week? They don’t. They give much more than that!
St Margaret’s and many other churches only exist because members are grateful to God for so much. We are inspired by God to follow the Bible’s teaching, “Now about the collection… On the first day of every week, each one of you should set aside a sum of money in keeping with your income …”
Some can give a lot, some can only give a little, but it all means our church can continue to operate and serve our community.
Jesus warned us against pursuing wealth for its own sake, rather he encouraged us to use our resources responsibly and ultimately to benefit God’s kingdom by loving God and our neighbour. As a church we also give money away to the world church – to spread the message of Jesus and to support those in need.
St Paul reminds us that ‘God loves a cheerful giver’ and every week we thank God for his gifts and pray, ‘All things come from you O Lord, and of your own have we given you’. Amen.