A Church For You?

St Margaret's church is not so much a building as a community of people. Each one has a story of how they have met with God, or rather how God has met them.

Here at St Margaret's you can meet with God yourself.

A view of the co-operative shop, in the centre of the village.

We are from all kinds of backgrounds but we have this in common: we believe that Jesus' message is as relevant now as when it was first spoken.

We meet because we believe what the Bible teaches us about the way to live God's way. 

We also meet with others who have found that following the living person of Jesus makes a difference to their lives and the lives of those around them. 

In the face of so much wrong-doing in the world, we don't pretend we are saints, as we say 'There but for the grace of God go I'! 

Every Sunday and in weekday small groups we read a part of the Bible and see how we can apply it to our lives. 

Bishop of CoventryThe Bishop of Coventry summed up the the gospel of life, as good news for the life of the world saying: 

God gave us the gift of life but we turned from the source of life.

God has come to us in Jesus Christ to live, die and rise for us, dealing with sin, destroying death and defeating evil – for they deny us life – and restoring true life to us in all its fullness.

God invites us to step into the new life of Christ that Jesus has made available to us, by turning to Christ and believing in him – that Jesus died so that we might live – by immersing ourselves in his risen life through baptism, and by living the life of Christ in the gift of his life-giving Spirit, following Jesus faithfully in the new community of the Church, his own body.

Who are we?

There are millions of committed, active followers of Christ around the world. We are part of the Church of England which itself is part of the Anglican church around the world.

Who runs it and how is it paid for?

The church is a community not a one man band! So dozens of people from the village and area help to run the services, organise youth and children's work and keep the church open for visitors.

Church members give generously to the church (there is no central funding, it is all raised locally). This pays for a full time priest-in-charge and the upkeep of our very old building. The priest-in-charge is also responsible for St Peter's in Church Lawford. 

Village wide events are one important way of raising money to keep the building in good order and they are fun!

If you are on Facebook logo Facebook you can follow St Margarets Wolston. You can see events that are planned and what we've been up to recently.